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Loc. Montestefano, 17 Barbaresco (CN)
T. +39 0173 635040
The company was founded in 2010, fulfilling the dream of his father Guido, an oenologist for a well-known company in Barbaresco, born in the Montestefano hamlet. After years of experience in the wine sector, he decided to give new life to the small structure inherited from his parents, recovering the fascinating cellar rooms located on different floors and connected by suggestive stone stairs that jealously guard the wines during aging. The company is now managed by his children Silvia and Enrico who manage the farmhouse and cellar supported by their parents Guido and Grazia.
Barbaresco DOCG
Barbaresco DOCG Montestefano
Barbaresco DOCG Fausoni
Barbaresco DOCG Marcorino
By reservation it is possible to visit the cellar and do a tasting.
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