The agricultural and agri-food sector is one of the driving sectors for the economy of the area in which some large companies and hundreds of micro agricultural and artisan companies find themselves working side by side.
The agricultural products of the Langhe have now become famous worldwide (grapes, hazelnuts, etc.) and constitute the primary products of established and very high quality agri-food chains, or of product niches that are still little known, but of absolute excellence. The territory is rich in vineyards, hazelnut groves, pastures, woods and terraces and offers fruits that have made the territory a heritage of all humanity and which attracts visitors from all over the world.

For this reason, given the great success achieved by the PSR 2019 project, thanks to a new project (PSR 2014/2020 Regione Piemonte Operation 16.4.1 Bando 2022) the need to continue to focus on short supply chain products and on the perfect synergy created between the Enoteca Regionale del Barbaresco and the members who together make up the ATS has been confirmed.

The Cascina Rabaglio company was founded in 2005 with L'Enot at the helm. Rigo Filippo, his sister Daniela and Salatin Andrea, three young boys who decide to follow in the footsteps of Filippo and Daniela's grandfather, Giovanni Battista. The predominance of the activity was the cultivation of hazelnuts and grapes, only in 2012 will wine be added and a new location for the winery right in the heart of Barbaresco.
Company info: go to the tab

In areas not suited to viticulture, but perfect for other crops, we grow the Tonda Gentile delle Langhe hazelnut. It is precisely the particular terroir that brings out aromas that are not possible in other areas and which make it an inimitable product of absolute goodness. In the case of Cascina Rabaglio the entire processing phase is personally followed by Daniela who has made her passion the trademark of a unique product.
The hazelnut harvest takes place at the end of summer, when the fruit has reached full ripeness, the shell becomes woody and the fruit falls to the ground naturally. The time of harvesting is important because it must be done as soon as the fruit is on the ground and before the dampness of the soil ruins its consistency, which is why it must be carried out in several tranches.

The harvest is followed by drying carried out simply by leaving them exposed to the sun during the day, removing them at night so that they do not take on humidity.
The subsequent stages of processing consist of shelling, which allows the fruit to be separated from its shell, calibration, where the fruit is divided according to its size and sorting carried out on a special carpet.

This phase, rigorously carried out by hand, is very important because it allows us to select only perfect hazelnuts by separating the waste. The hazelnuts are then roasted, with a hot air cyclone system with a temperature sensor at the heart of the product, which guarantees uniform browning and maintains the quality of the hazelnut unchanged.

The product obtained is packaged in vacuum bags to preserve its organoleptic characteristics and freshness and can thus be marketed. The initial flavor is of honey and aromatic herbs which, with roasting, turns into caramel, resin and nutmeg. Hazelnuts are ideal to be enjoyed plain, or for the preparation of desserts (typical is brittle or hazelnut cake) or as a substitute for pine nuts with Genoese pesto and walnuts in the celery and tuma salad.